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GAMBIT | Exeter Northcott Theatre



We all f*** up. Every single one of us. But f******* up before you've even really started? How do you come back from that?


GAMBIT explores the complexities of what it means to be young, and the struggles of trying to navigate your way through an unknown future... especially when you've f***** it up straight off the bat.

This production formed part of a unique opportunity for graduates of the Exeter Northcott's Futures programme to present their work at the Exeter Fringe Festival, co-hosted by the Northcott Theatre. The play had been previously in development from the Bill's Attic Summer Writing Residency at Krowji, Cornwall, and the Fringe became its debut.

Director & Writer  Roisin McCay-Hines

Production Support  Esther Wilson

Associate Producer  Helen Bovey (Exeter Northcott Theatre)

Images  Emily Appleton

Holly  Catrin Walker-Booth

Eloise  Lucy Mabbit

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